5 Reasons Why Twilight Sucks.

  1. Edward sparkles…. And so do unicorns and fairy princesses.
  2. Girl loves sparkly vampire. Sparkly Vampire leaves. Vampire loves shirtless werewolf. Sparkly vampire comes back. Love triangle. Girl chooses sparkly vampire over shirtless werewolf.
  3. Getting married and pregnant before age 20. And turning into a sparkly vampire. Jersey Shore is a better influence. No, that new MTV show Skins is. At least no one is falling in love with a 109 pedophile. 
  4. Bella = Mary Sue
  5. It’s impossible to stop at just five.
  6. Rosalie = Over stereotyped blonde bitch. This is why we have Regina George people. 
  7. The only thing stupider than the name Twilight is … Bedward. It sounds like a mattress.
  8. Renesmee - How about another reason to create a Bella version 2.0? Just this time unsparkly and goes with the werewolf.
  9. TwiHards. (Gets stake to kill oneself)
  10. Bella has no backbone nor is she ever, or will ever be strong. She jumped off a cliff for a 109 year old man that she was in love with??? WTF