The Sensless Characters of Twilight

Bella Swan
A whiny spoiled, self-centered brat who can't help but fall for the "sexy" Edward Cullen.  She has no real personality except getting herself  into to all kinds of trouble just so Edward can save her butt. The only reason fan girls want to be her is because her lover is Edward.
Typical Conversation Between a Fan Girl and SMART Person:
Fan-girl: Oh my god! I soo want to be Bella Swan right now!
Smart Person: Why?
Fan-girl: Because she's dating Edward! duhh!
Smart Person: oh, so you want to be a whiny, klutzy brat?

Edward Cullen
A psycho who goes into girls bedrooms to watch them sleep. May or may not sparkle.
Also best described as a Pedophile.
"This guy is a total Edward Cullen! Crept into my room again last night! I so want to date him! I can just imagine the amount of romance it will be as he tries to control his bloodlust for me!"

Jacob Black
A werewolf too good for Bella. He is madly in love with her, for some strange reason no one understands. I like him better as shark boy, not some madly-in-love-with-a-whiny-brat-werewolf.

If he kills Bella, he'll be my favorite character in this garbage called literature (if it's even close to that)

Snap that ugly vampire's head-off! Another example of how Mrs. Stephenie Meyer just has to give Edward and Bella a happy ending.