Sunday, January 23, 2011

My Life Would Suck With Twilight

                                            Twilight : A book written by Stephanie Meyer.
The majority of the book is dialogue and lacks any use of literary devices and/or elements that truly make a story. With little to no description and two-dimensional characters that are the very definitions of "Mary-sue" and "Gary-Stu," this story belongs on, not in bookstores.
She can't go five minutes without talking about how gorgeous Edward is, and it's clear she's living out some sick, fan-girl fantasy and getting money off of it.
It's popularity is only based on the fact that Edward Cullen is supposedly "godly" and the sexiest man alive. He's fictional and practically Grey colored. Get over it.
Bella is stupid. She's whiny and clingy, like most Mary-sues. Edward is has no personality. He needs to just bite the stupid girl already and get on with his sparkly-suicidal-vampire life.
Love stories are great, this however, is garbage. The way they fall in love is stupid and shallow and based on looks and lust alone. What kind of message is that? It's trash, pure trash. 
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